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[ACCEPTED] Tommeh, priest

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[ACCEPTED] Tommeh, priest Empty [ACCEPTED] Tommeh, priest

Post  Tommeh Tue Sep 14, 2010 2:13 am

I know the application isn't written about my priest and has been written from the PoV of my main which i'd still consider my mage. But due to the fact you guys lack a priest and want to raid i'll lame however copy paste my apply which i used for balance. Which i've recently quit due to personal reason. If you got any questions regarding my application do contact me ingame on my chars any char with enmatic infront or Tommeh my priest

Personal Details
Name: Tom Bloemhof
Age: 20
Country: The Netherlands
Occupation: Student

Character Information and alts
Name: Enmatic
Class: Mage
Experience: I've been playing since vanilla. In TBC I did reroll mage as my main and have been raiding all content with it. Not always as on a hardcore level. But always to the best of my abilities.
I do enjoy to pvp every now and then and play some arena's but it's not my main goal. At the start of TBC i leveled this class up first and geared it as best as i could. Farming Honor Hold/Thrallmar reputation with it for swords and doing heroics like a mad man. I never did reroll my main class after that. I did kill Kil'jeaden but that was after the nerf. Did not do any of the SWP before the nerf.

Name: Enmaticlol, alt
Class: Warrior
Experience: The experience I've as playing warrior is being a tank and dps. Back in vanilla i had a warrior as my first level 60 and did raids with it.
Being on a Molten Core level and some early Blackwing Lair bosses. I did get level 60 the summer before TBC hit so was still learning a lot on how
to do things and what my goals in WoW would be. In MC days i was dpsing mostly and was tanking where needed. Had my share of alt MH/BT runs and got
experience tanking those bosses.

Name: Tommeh, alt
Class: Priest, holy/shadow specced atm
Experience: I haven't got much experience from playing priest from other patches aside from the ICC patch and the pre nerf BT patch. During TBC i've raided as SP up to Illidan. But that's as far as it goes

Raiding experience, guilds, random stuff
I'll just state my guilds during WotLK since they are relevant. All other guilds i've raided with are dead. Late TBC some people came from different servers onto
Shattered-Hand. They had a goal to start a good raiding good and get a roster sorted for WotLK which they achieved. It was called Chaos Theory, before nexus achievement =).
We had a nice head start and we're competing for server 1st. We got close to a few and actualy had a few ourselves. I recall having the server 1st Red-Proto drakes, with hard
A'nub achievement and Plagued Proto drakes. We did not sort our Black Proto drakes out since we lacked Immortal. Shattered-Hand was a very unstable server and the average MS was
about 150 during naxxramas patch. No excuse but it makes it a lot harder.
Then Ulduar hit, i started to slack before Ulduar and just did quit during Ulduar. I did not enjoy raiding the patch days simply due to lagg and IRL needed sorting badly.
The only way i could quit in my eyes was just selling the account which i did. I regret it now missing the somewhat cool achievements pre-nerfs but it had to be done.

During the summer i've heard CT actualy did quit raiding at all and disbanded. After the summer i felt like playing WoW again and started to level my mage, Enmatic. I started
on Grim-Batol because a few ex-guildies from CT were playing there. More and more ex-guildies started to join and we had our old core back from the CT days. We formed the guild
Pop Lock & Global It as a friend guild and to do 10man raids. People started to notice us as a guild and community and we merged with another guild to form CUGM, Cleaver Use of Game
Mechanics. This is my current guild but due to summer, late start during Icecrown patch our roster is just too bad to continue raiding and last few weeks we have not been able to even
get tries on LK25 HC nor get a proper group for 10man HC. 14.5% being the best whipe, disconnect wins.

Latest guild being Balance. Have been raiding in balance for nearly 2 months but i recently did quit due to personal reason. And i actualy made member before people might presume i'm just a balance reject.

Why don't my characters show vanilla/tbc achievements?
The reason it does not show its pretty simple. I did not do the raids on this account. You have to take my word for it that i did do the content. If needed i can get friends to vouch
but that still doesn't show the real pixels. Why i've sold my account back in the ulduar days has simple reason. I needed time to sort IRL out and WoW was interfering with that.

Raid Hours
Wed - 19:00-02:00
Thurs - 19:00-02:00
Friday - preferably optional
Saturday - preferably optional
Sunday - 19:00-02:00
Monday - 19:00-02:00
Tuesday - 19:00-02:00

Computer Details
I'm not a real computer wizard but i do have Nagle's enabled to lower my MS, run a minimalistic UI to have high FPS and never ever have fps or latency issues. Got a very stable internet
provider which is 20/mb. I'm playing on a wide-screen monitor and using a Logitec G500 gaming mouse. Other then that it's basic, got a working microphone and not affraid to use,
i'm abusing it more even.

User-interface and keybindings.
My interface is somewhat simple but very easy to work with. Some basics addon which do show on the picture itself and no real graphical complilation. You might not see lots of action
bars or buttons bound. Thats due to me using spellbinder and i've nearly have all my spells bound to keys.
This a screenshot of my UI
[ACCEPTED] Tommeh, priest 13979515


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[ACCEPTED] Tommeh, priest Empty Re: [ACCEPTED] Tommeh, priest

Post  akeem Tue Sep 14, 2010 2:25 am

Accepted as holy / disc priest, as long as you can go disc when ever we need it. (which isnt much seeing i personaly thinks that disc priest sucks for 99% fights in game.)

Whisper any officer online to get an invite.

- Welcome to twentyfourseven.

Posts : 20
Join date : 2010-09-07
Age : 33
Location : Kristiansand / Larvik

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